Friday, January 31, 2020

Determinant of Supplier Power Essay Example for Free

Determinant of Supplier Power Essay Sony’s Play station 3 is slated to be a next generation computer entertainment console which will provide the facility of playing titles which are available on PlayStation and PlayStation 2. In addition it is also enabling internet connectivity for downloading a variety of games as also access to online games and services. It can support a wide range of NTSC/PAL standards on the TV including high definition TV. (Introducing Play station 3, 2006). Nintendo Nintendo has been an established leader in the interactive entertainment industry for many years. It has successfully sold one billion video games worldwide. It markets hardware and software for its popular home video systems such as the Game Cube and the Game Boy series which the company claims to be the world’s best selling video game system. (History, 2006). The company has been developing its consoles based on technology developments and the needs of the customers. Software is also built up to support the consoles in a consolidated mode. Nintendo entered the American market after the industry had virtually crashed in the 1980’s and exploited the performance play as per Kline, Dyer-Witherford and Peuter (2003) by introducing proprietary standards and denying competition for other players. It also created brand loyalty by having a magazine for its product and also created sustainment lines so that the product was effectively supported after sales, a novel concept in the entertainment industry but which is essential for experiential marketing. This company as per Kline, Dyer-Witherford and Peuter (2003) was the first to close the technology, culture and marketing loop as others followed suit to ape Nintendo. The company has also recently launched a Nintendo WiFi connection which will enable the Nintendo DS owners to connect with gamers around the World and it is reported that over 10 million connections were made available only two months from launching. Its Resident Evil 4 programme on Game Cube was adjudged by many as the best game of the year as per the company. (History, 2006). The other innovation was to develop the company’s programme of Game Play Counselors on the web to provide the gamers and developers instant connect with the company. (History, 2006). Nintendo has also sponsored Digipen program at the DigiPen Institute of Technology which is an accredited college level program for designing video gaming applications. The company has initiated this keeping in view the large number of requests it has been receiving from gamers as well as amateur developers. The company also has a Nintendo Power magazine which communicates with the gamers. Contests such as Player’s Poll care enable the company to get feedback from gamers and also rate its own games for further sponsoring and development. The company has an active forums program from which game ideas are developed (http://forums. nintendo. com/nintendo) Nintendo also has a policy for licensing a number of third party publishers to use its patenting technology, copy rights and trade marks to develop video games (Legal, 2006). Nintendo also has a very powerful community participation program called as NSider forum which provides Nintendo fans a venue for discussion through message boards, posting questions and answers, discussions and email on new activities. This acts as a powerful link between the company, the gamers and the developers. (Community Participation, 2006). Micro Soft Micro Soft has been the latest entrant in the field of console gaming. It has also depended on the resources of developers and consumers to progress its gaming strategy, despite the considerable software resources that the company has at its disposal as the worlds leading legacy software developer. It has two programs which are specifically targeted at the developers and consumers for providing it inputs for game development. Micro Soft Xbox Developer programs enable developers, publishers, tool makers and hardware vendors to support the Xbox and Xbox 360 video consoles. The Registered Developer Program in particular has been designed to allow access to external developers to the hardware and support of Xbox and Xbox 360 and take advantage of the features to develop software and support projects for the Xbox consoles. Xbox Central and Xbox 360 Central web sites permit access to those who have been accepted for this program and also for participation in technical seminars and sessions. (Xbox Developer Programs, 2006) The Xbox 360 Registered Content Creator Program is a similar program which allows freelance content creators access to Xbox 360 content creation tools to enable them to secure projects for Xbox console. These positions are offered by Microsoft Game Studios. (Xbox 360 Registered Content Creator Program. 2006)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Exploring the Theme of Love in Sonnets 57 and 58 Essay -- Shakespeare’

Shakespeare’s sonnets are numbered in a sequential order and adjacent sonnets often have similar content. Throughout Shakespeare’s sonnets, he covers many subjects, such as interest in the life of a young man, his love for a young man, and his love for a dark haired woman. In sonnets 57 and 58, Shakespeare discusses how love is like slavery in its different manifestations. The object of the narrator’s love has a dominating power over the narrator, which controls him and guides his actions. Shakespeare shows in sonnets 57 and 58 that love can be displayed by using many different routes such as viewing love as a controlling force, exploring the theme of time and waiting in regards to love, and the question of the physical state of being of love. Throughout both sonnets there is a sense that the narrator has resigned himself to the slavery of love. In sonnet 57, the narrator asserts in the first two lines that all he (we will assume the narrator is a "he") can do is wait until the lover needs something. This blind devotion to the lover seems to come without any reservations on behalf of the narrator and seems to be a natural inclination to give of one’s self whole-heartedly and unconditionally ("unconditional love"). In sonnet 58, line 13, "though waiting so be hell" shows the pain that the narrator is going through while he is waiting on the lover. In sonnet 58, line five, "let me suffer, being at your beck" again constitutes this devotion of the narrator to the recipient of the love without any reservations. The narrator is willingly accepting suffering, hell, and sadness, as seen in the phrase "sad slave" (sonnet 57, line 11), in order to be a slave to love. This devotion to loving servitude is admirable and the bon d formed... ... that love thinks no ill. Shakespeare uses many different methods of discourse to examine this theme of love. In both sonnets the lover is exerting his control over the narrator, but the narrator does not really mind being controlled in either sonnet. Both sonnets include many elements and references to time and waiting and all of these references relate to love by showing love’s long lifespan and varying strengths over time. The only major difference between the two sonnets lies in their addressing love. Sonnet 57 talks directly to it in a personifying manner, whereas sonnet 58 merely refers to it through other means. Through this variety of explorations of the theme of love, Shakespeare shows that love has many faces and ways of expressing itself. Â   Works Cited McCurry, Justin. Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: Shakespeare’s Sonnets 57 and 58.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Organizational Quality Improvement

Various methodologies exist for the integration of quality improvement strategies into performance improvement measures. With concepts of total quality management (TQM) and quality improvement (QI) being introduced to health care organizations; administrators have had to decide which methodology is right for the organization. There are numerous methodologies: Six Sigma, Lean, and Customer Inspired Quality. Each has its own pros and cons. A key component of quality improvement is the technology that gathers and compares the data that the quality improvement measure produces.All of the information that is gathered from the technology can be benchmarked against other health care organizations. Numerous methods exist for the integration of quality improvement into the health care setting. The Six Sigma model was pioneered by Motorola. This method focuses on reducing variance through a problem solving approach that will improve the quality of the output. The fundamental objective of the S ix Sigma methodology is the implementation of a measurement based strategy that focuses on process improvement and the reduction of variance.The Six Sigma method does through the DMAIC process (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control). The DMAIC process is an improvement system for existing quality processes that fall below specifications and need to be improved in increments. Lean Thinking was used by Toyota as a key in its success. The Lean method strives to reduce waste and to improve performance through workflow. The Lean method is concerned with driving out waste so that all work adds value to the product and serves the customers’ needs.Lean thinking identifies all steps in a process and identifies them as value-added or non-value-added steps. All non-value-added steps are then removed to prevent waste in the process. Customer Inspired Quality was patented by Shaw Resources in 1992 and this methodology focuses on work processes that have direct impact on the care and services that are provided in a hospital. This method identifies, defines, analyzes, and improves the quality and effectiveness of processes in the health care arena. This method uses techniques from the other methodologies.Pros and cons of QI methods. Pros and cons exist in all of the methods for quality improvement. Some of the pros of the Six Sigma method are: Six Sigma places a heavy importance on leadership and its support for the success of the project, Six Sigma integrates the human elements (culture change, customer focus). The Six Sigma method uses the concept of statistical thinking and encourages the application of proven statistical tools and techniques for reducing variability. The cons of Six Sigma methods are having quality data available. In a new process where there is no data available to begin with can be discouraging.The solutions that Six Sigma proposes are often expensive and only small parts of the solution can be implemented. In Six Sigma methodology the selection of the right project is critical to success. Lean thinking has pros and cons also. Organizations that have adopted Lean double their productivity, cut their production and reduce their inventory that is normally kept on hand. Employees that work in a Lean environment have a clear objective of what is expected of them and are interrupted less. The Customer Inspired quality model deals with the service industries, primarily the Health care industry.The pros of this model are that the process improvement efforts are prioritized from the customers’ perspective. The methodology is service friendly and all of the hospital staff is encouraged to provide their input. This methods con is that the method is structured primarily for health care organizations. Florida Hospital uses the Six Sigma method for quality improvement because it provides the best opportunity to implement best practices that have been identified. Information Technologies for Quality Improvement Informati on technology is a large part of the quality improvement methods that a health care organization uses.Florida Hospital uses Business Objects which is a software company that specializes in business intelligence. Business Objects has components that provide performance management, planning, reporting, query and analysis, and enterprise information management. The Business Objects Enterprise can track report instances that will trigger alerts. These reports are created by Crystal Reports and have parameters that can be modified to perform analysis on the data. The customer can set alerts that trigger when certain conditions are met or not met by the data.The data can be customized to show in charts. Further customization allows the customer the chance to drill down into the data. Other information can be obtained from technology. Information technology allows data to be displayed in a dashboard or a scorecard. Dashboards are tool that monitor the ongoing performance of a process. A da shboard tracks data in real time. Scorecards report on past performances and generally focus on outcomes rather than processes. All of these applications can be used by administrators to track the quality improvement processes of the organization.Administrators can design the scorecards or dashboards to display the information that is important. Benchmarks and Milestones Benchmarking is the process of comparing one’s business processes and performance metrics to industry bests or to best practices from other industries. Benchmarking involves management identifying the best in their industry and comparing the results and processes of those studied to their own results and processes. Benchmarking compares the organization to its competitors and defines how the competition performs better.By better understanding how the competition is meeting their standards, the healthcare organization can then set goals for themselves. Benchmarking can be used to improve patient satisfaction. Using the website hospitalcompare. hhs. gov an organization can see how satisfied their competitors’ patients are. Benchmarking can also be used to improve the core measures that the Joint Commission measures. The outcomes of acute MI, pneumonia, heart failure and surgery can be compared to their own. If the competition is performing better on one of the core measures, the organization can then set their own goal based on the competition.Potential benchmarks that Florida Hospital will strive for are improved core measures at 90% for pneumonia, Acute MI, heart failure and surgical care. Another benchmark that Florida Hospital will strive for is to improve patient safety. The hospital will continue to implement the processes that support the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals. The hospital will implement CPOE (computerized provider order entry) and the hospital will begin to extend the goals to the ambulatory services. The third benchmark is to enhance the patient experience.The hospital will use the DMAIC model to understand and support the emotional, spiritual, and clinical needs of the patients. Florida Hospital will use different methods for their performance improvement plans. The hospital will use combinations of Six Sigma and Lean thinking. The hospital will use data from Crystal reports to display balanced scorecards and dashboards. The dashboards will be divided into the Extending Excellence Elements (Team, Clinical, Service, Market, and Finance). The hospital will use this information in conjunction with information from benchmarking data to monitor their quality improvement plan. References Dlugacz, Y. D. (2006). Measuring Health Care Using Data for Operational, Financial, and   Clinical Improvement. San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass. Florida Hospital. (2010). Florida Hospital Orlando's Most Preferred Hospital. Retrieved from Insititute for Healthcare Improvement. (2010). A resource from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Retrieved from Ransom, E. R., Joshi, M. S.,Nash, D. B., ; Ransom, S. (2008). The Healthcare Quality Book Vision Strategy and Tools (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. U.S. Department of Health ; Human Services. (2010). Hospital Compare. Retrieved from United States Department of Veterans Affairs. (2010). Quality Enhancement Research Initiative. Retrieved from

Monday, January 6, 2020

Hypocrisy in to Kill a Mockingbird - 1095 Words

The prejudiced views in Maycomb County created a very chaotic future for the children. â€Å" i don’t know how they could convict Tom Robinson, but they did it. They’ve done it again and again and when they do it-seems that only children weep.† (225) Tom Robinson symbolizes every ‘black’ person who has been wrongly convicted and prosecuted under this judicial system. Children are known to be unjudgemental and therefore are somewhat attached to Tom Robinson. They are oblivious to the false beliefs’ that society has instilled upon the community. The children are tremendously effected by the wrongful conviction of Tom Robison in the corrupted judicial system. Jem and Scout, who had seen Toms trails, were in shock to find out that their ‘perfect’†¦show more content†¦Tis is all thanks to Miss Gates for being the influencer, yet being a total hypocrite. Having hypocritical people like Miss Gates could really be hardfull to the citizens of Maycomb County. They maye not be able to â€Å"practice what they preech† because they may not know how to. Having this inability is what ruins the community of Maycomb County. The last strong example that speings to mind is the topic of what teh ladies in Aleadnea’s missionary circle were speaking of. This is Mrs. Merriweathers message to teh blacks in the community. She states: â€Å" if we just let them know we forgive’em, that we’ve forgotten itm then this whole thing’ll blow over.† (231) this shows tha there is hypocrisy in Mrs. Merriweather due to her feeling is sorry for the Mrunops because they are being juded yet she herself is juding Tom Robinson. By saying â€Å" if we just let them know we firgive’em, is showing that she also thinks that he is guilty of the accusations that had been put upon him. Mrs. Merriweather is therefore judging people, but she feels bad for people who have been hurt and judged. Showing plenty of hypocrisy. It creats a double standard in the sense that she can be prejudiced to a few but feel sorry for others. Mrs. Merriweather says one thing but goes against it, showing true false ness. The discussion of Alexendreas missionary circle changes topic to the â€Å"darkies†. Mrs. Merriweather expresses her hate towards the â€Å"blacks†. â€Å" Gertrude, i tell you there’s nothing moreShow MoreRelatedTo Kill A Mockingbird Hypocrisy Analysis1029 Words   |  5 Pages Hypocrisy. It is a lie, a contradiction, a prejudice. Like a trap for the mind one lays for themselves, many don’t realize they are ensnared, living their lives unaware of their wrongs to others and themselves. In To Kill A Mockingbird the residents of Maycomb County are thrown into new situations which reveal the depths of their hypocrisy to Scout, whose development is fueled by it. In the light of new ideas, old ones can change, along with There is hypocrisy abound in To Kill A MockingbirdRead MoreExamples Of Hypocrisy In To Kill A Mockingbird822 Words   |  4 Pagesprivilege of reading the award winning book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. At first glance, the novel just reinforced one of my basic morals: racism is wrong. Upon a closer look I picked up on some more subtle themes that Lee expressed in her novel. One of the underlying themes made me think about a belief I had come to believe for many years: hypocrisy is wrong. The characterization Lee used in To Kill a Mockingbird taught me that although hypocrisy is wrong, it is beneficial because it destroysRead MoreHypocrisy In To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis1212 Words   |  5 PagesHypocrisy in To Kill a Mockingbird In her coming-of-age novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee explores how the precocious protagonist, Jean Louise â€Å"Scout† Finch, struggles to fit into her role as a lady and has a difficult time coming to terms of the cruelty as well as the injustice her Southern town displays through discrimination. Scout resides with her family in Maycomb County, Alabama in the 1930s--a town severely divided by color. She goes through a breathtaking metamorphosis throughout theRead MoreExamples Of Hypocrisy In To Kill A Mockingbird1782 Words   |  8 PagesAn award winning novel, To Kill A Mockingbird was brilliantly written by author Harper Lee, intertwining multiple themes to create a classic piece of American literature to represent white southern ethics of the 1930s. A common theme throughout the novel, hypocrisy is a method for Harper Lee to communicate an underlying message to readers. Hypocrisy reflects how societies, communities and the church benefits from it as a means for b eing ignorant of oneself’s wrongdoings and sins, placing blame elsewhereRead More The Hypocrisy of Humanity Depicted in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird1311 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, has many stories from Scouts’ little town in Alabama that teaches the reader the good and bad sides of the human being. When all these come together, the result is this fantastic novel. One of the stories that stand out is the one when Mrs. Gates and Cecil Jacobs have a conversation in the classroom. They talk about Adolph Hitler and the malicious things he did to the Jewish people. Mrs. Gates tries to tell her students that what he did was wrong in a very firmRead MoreHarper Lee’s â€Å"to Kill a Mockingbird Seeks to Focus Upon the Hypocrisy of the ‘American Dream’. Discuss.729 Words   |  3 PagesHarper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird seeks to focus upon the hypocrisy of the ‘American Dream’. Discuss. The American dream can be defined as a national ethos which encourages freedom for all individuals regardless of their race, religion, colour or socioeconomic status. Through the theory of American Exceptionalism and the Declaration of Independence, â€Å"all men are created equal†, the American Dream presents itself as a system of equal opportunity and prosperity for all citizens. Author, Harper LeeRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird: Irony and Sarcasm1440 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird is a highly regarded work of American fiction. The story of the novel teaches us many lessons that should last any reader for a lifetime. The messages that Harper Lee relays to the reader are exemplified throughout the book using various methods. One of the most important and significant methods was the use of symbols such as the mockingbird image. Another important method was showing the view through a growing childs (Scout Finch) mind, eyes, ears, and mouth.Read MoreEvil and Injustice in Harper Lee ´s Novel:To Kill a Mockingbird 639 Words   |  3 Pagesprejudicing. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, these themes are present. People and how they commit evil, hypocritical, and unjust acts. We see these themes and great issues through the point of view of a child; the vigorous, youthful, elementary-aged Scout. Through this character Harper Lee shows the innocence of children, and what they go through in our inequitable world. The first major theme in To Kill a Mockingbird is evil in society. The mostRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird1091 Words   |  5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird Mockingbirds are birds that does one thing; Making music for us to enjoy and nothing else to harm us. In the remarkable novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the mockingbird is used as symbolism for real people. Including the human mockingbirds, the novel represents other pieces of the prejudice such as racism and hypocrisy. In the little town of Maycomb in its 1930 ¡Ã‚ ¯s, the prejudice was an accepted concept for every individual and Atticus even called it a  ¡Ã‚ ®disease ¡Ã‚ ¯Read More Theme of Courage in Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird Essay1673 Words   |  7 PagesTo Kill A Mockingbird is a book about courage to what extent do you agree with this? Harper Lees first novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, displays the life of a small southern family struggling through the depression in Maycomb, Alabama. Seen through the innocent eyes of a young child are the events and people of Maycomb. Courage is a major theme in the novel but there are other themes like the Hypocrisy, Protecting the innocent and Prejudice, which are brought out to the same extent. The author